
Seminario José Luis Zofío

[:es]Título:  The Decompositions of Cost Variation
Ponente:  José Luis Zofío (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Organizador:  Juan Aparicio
Fecha: Jueves 7 de noviembre de 2019, 12:30 h.
Lugar:  Sala de Seminarios del CIO, Edificio Torretamarit, Universidad Miguel Hernández (Campus de Elche)
Resumen: In this paper a number of meaningful and empirically implementable decompositions of the cost variation (in difference and ratio form) are developed. The components distinguished are price […]

Luenberger-type indicators based on the weighted additive distance function (2019), Ann Oper Res, 278, 195–213

[:es]Juan Aparicio (University Miguel Hernández of Elche), Fernando Borras (University Miguel Hernández of Elche), Lidia Ortiz (University Miguel Hernández of Elche) , Jesús T. Pastor (University Miguel Hernández of Elche) and Fernando Vidal (University Miguel Hernández of Elche).
Abstract. This paper proposes two new Luenberger-type indicators, one for measuring productivity change of decision making units in the full input–output space, […]

Multilevel simultaneous equation model: A novel specification and estimation approach (2019). Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 366, 1-9

[:es]Rocío Hernández-Sanjaime (University Miguel Hernández of Elche), Martín González (University Miguel Hernández of Elche) and Jose J. López-Espín (University Miguel Hernández of Elche).
Abstract. Conventional simultaneous equation models assume that the error terms are serially independent. In some situations, data may present hierarchical or grouped structure and this assumption may be invalid. A new multivariate model referred as to […]